Highlight of the Week
Students enjoyed celebrating Earth Day on Tuesday. Firemen talked with students during recess about preventing forest fires and bike safety. Our students also drew pictures on recycled paper that promoted protecting the earth. Students also collected pennies for a new tree at Gold Rush. We thank the PTO, especially Mrs. Armstrong, for organizing this event!
* Open Enrollment applications can be found on our school webpage. Completed applications should be turned into the school office. We will be accepting applications until August 15.
* Please be mindful of the no left turn sign at the exit of our parking lot as police are issuing tickets.
* Parent input regarding class placement should be emailed to the principal by May 1st. Parents are welcome to provide information regarding their child's academic strengths and peer relationships. While we welcome input regarding the learning environment that best meets each child's needs, we are unable to accommodate specific teacher requests as it prevents us from creating balanced classes. If you have any questions please contact Jenny Brown.
Mark Your Calendar!
* Golden Ticket Theater is presenting The Little Mermaid on May 2nd at 6:30PM and May 3rd at
1:00PM & 6:30PM. Come and see our talented students.