Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Have a Wonderful Summer Vacation!

First full day of school for K-5 students is Monday, August 10, 2015

Accessing Student Report Cards
You are able to view your child's report card now until June 31.  Report cards can be accessed via your parent portal.  Once you log into parent portal select your child.   Then click on reports and select EPR.  If you click the grades tab directly you will not be able to view teacher comments.

Accessing Class Placement Assignments for 2015-2016
You will receive an email in mid July prompting you to register for the new school year.  You will be asked to complete Express Check In and sign your child up for his/her Meet Your Teacher time on August 7 and Assessment Day on either August 20 or 21.  You will also be able to view your child's classroom teacher at this time by logging into parent portal and clicking on your child’s schedule.

Summer Reading Makes a Difference!
Make reading a priority this summer! Not only is a great way to spend time with your child, but it has a significant impact on your child's academic development.  Every minute counts!

Missing Textbooks
Please return all textbooks that were checked out to your child by the end of the school year.  You will be billed the following amount for missing books:
* Colorado Story $49 (Grade 4)
* Investigations Parent Handbook $19 (K-5)

Important Beginning of the Year Events
Assessment Days & Meet Your Teacher
In an attempt to gain more targeted information regarding your child’s academic strengths and needs, Gold Rush will continue to hold assessment days the second week of school.  All students in grades K-5 will start a full day of school on Monday, August 10, 2015.  Each child will come to school for one hour only on either August 20 or August 21 to complete reading assessments.  Having students complete assessments with their teacher the second week of school allows students to adjust to classroom practices and procedures.  The assessments administered will allow educators to alter their instruction to meet your child’s individual needs and learning style.

Parents will be able to sign up for a day and time using the online Conference Scheduler starting mid July. You will receive a link to the scheduler via email with your express check in information.  Because we value the information we are obtaining on these days it is imperative that all children complete the assessments on either August 20 or August 21.   Students will end their assessment day by having you accompany them to take their school picture.

We continue to believe that it is essential that students meet their teacher and visit their classroom prior to the first day of school.  Families are asked to also sign up for a 25 minute time slot on Friday, August 7, starting at 10:00 AM to visit their classroom.  Please see the available times below.  You may bring your child’s school supplies at this time.   If you purchased an Edukit it will be delivered to your child’s classroom.

Meet Your Teacher Times for Friday, 7th.


Summer Office Hours
* June 5 - July 3: Office is closed
* July 6 - July 31: M & W 9:00AM-12:00PM
* August 4 - August 7: M-F 9:00AM-11:30AM & 12:30PM-3:30PM
* August 10: School is in Session - Regular Office Hours

Important Dates for 2015
* July 20- August 2: Online Conference Scheduler Opens - Meet Your Teacher & Assessment Days
* July 20- August 2: Online Check In
* August 7: Meet Your Teacher - Please Sign Up for a Time
* August 10: First Full Day of School for K-5 Students
* August 20 or August 21:  Assessment Day - Please Sign Up for a Time