Thank you for coming into school to pick up your child when we delayed dismissal due to severe weather. Students' safety is always our primary concern when making such a decision. If you did not receive an email and text alerting you of the change in dismissal, please check your information in partent portal. Click here for additional information regarding the receipt of school and district communication. We appreciate your patience.
Field Day Fun!
Students in grades 1-5 enjoyed our Lewis and Clark themed field day! We thank our parent volunteers and our physical education teacher, Mrs. O'Day, for making this wonderful day possible!
Math Olympiad
Students in grades 3 through 5 who participated in Math Olympiad this year were honored for their work. Math Olympiad is a national organization that is dedicated to stretching students' ability to think mathematically. Gold Rush had 45 students participate in this before school club this year. They met weekly to apply math skills at a high level. We thank Mrs. Barta, Ms. Menk and Mr. Anderson for facilitating this activity.
First Grade Teacher Retires
We celebrated first grade teacher Nancy Aldridge for her many years of service. Nancy is retiring at the end of this school year. She will be missed greatly by all.
New Principal at Legend High School
Congratulations to Mr. Jason Jacob who has accepted a position as the new principal at Legend High School effective July 1, 2014. Mr. Jacob has been an assistant principal and athletic director at Legend since 2008.
Mr. Jacob started his career in education in 1999 at Chaparral High School as a biology teacher and head basketball coach. He later served as dean and assistant principal at Chaparral before joining the core team responsible for opening Legend.
Mr. Jacob received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Northern Colorado and a Master’s degree in Education Administration & Supervision from the University of Phoenix.
Office Summer Hours
June 6 - July 4 Closed
July 7 - August 1 9:00-12:00 Monday & Wednesday Only
August 4 - August 8 8:30-11:30 & 12:30-3:30 Monday Through Friday
August 11 School is in Session