Welcome Back
Assessment Days - August 21st & 22nd
We are excited to get to know your
child’s strengths and needs during his/her assessment hour on either August 21st
or 22.nd We will be administering reading and math assessments
during your child’s assigned time. This data allows teachers to adjust
instruction to meet your child’s needs. Please
review the checklist below for an overview of the day.
___ Review the day
& hour you scheduled your child’s assessment.
___ In order to
complete all of the assessments it is imperative that you arrive 15 minutes
prior to your assigned hour.
prior to your assigned hour.
___ Please walk
your child toward the gym (the front door will be open).
___ An adult
will escort your child to the library where he/she will check in. An adult
will then take your child to his/her
classroom to begin testing.
____If you would
like to wait for your child at school, you are welcome to do so at
his/her grade level table in the
gym. You are also welcome to leave the
building and
return to the gym at the end of the
testing hour.
___ Teachers
will walk your child to his/her grade level table in the gym at the end
of the hour testing session.
___ Please take your child to get his/her school
picture at the back of the gym. Due
to time constraints pictures may not be taken prior to the assessment
___ Thank you
for a great day! Please exit through the west gym doors when your
child has taken his/her picture.
___ Teachers
will share your child’s results with you during Parent Teacher
Conference on September 16th
or 18th. Additional
information regarding fall
conferences will follow.
** Students attending BASE will be
escorted to their testing session and returned to BASE.
Back To School Night - August 20th
Please join us for an overview of grade-level curriculum and classroom expectations for your
child’s upcoming year.
*Presentations are for parents only and will be repeated for families with multiple children
*Ms. Marchese’s am class presentation will be during session 1 only
*Ms. Cleary’s pm class presentation will be during session 2 only
Drop Off & Pick Up
Thank you for ensuring a safe arrival and dismissal for all students by abiding by the following procedures:
* Remain in your car at all times while you are in the drop off and pick up line.
* Please wait in line and do not pull around cars unless you are directed to do so.
* Pull all the way forward when dropping off or picking up your child.
* Only cross at designated cross walk areas.
Forms to Return
If you have not done so already please return your child's emergency form and student directory to the main office by Friday, August 22nd.
Community Events
* Click here for information regarding a Legend Feeder Recycling Event
* Click here for information regarding Legend 5th Grade Basketball
* Click here for after school Spanish
Back To School Night - August 20th
Please join us for an overview of grade-level curriculum and classroom expectations for your
child’s upcoming year.
Session #1: 6:00 – 6:30
Session #2: 6:45 – 7:15
*Please go directly to your child’s classroom*Presentations are for parents only and will be repeated for families with multiple children
*Ms. Marchese’s am class presentation will be during session 1 only
*Ms. Cleary’s pm class presentation will be during session 2 only
Drop Off & Pick Up
Thank you for ensuring a safe arrival and dismissal for all students by abiding by the following procedures:
* Remain in your car at all times while you are in the drop off and pick up line.
* Please wait in line and do not pull around cars unless you are directed to do so.
* Pull all the way forward when dropping off or picking up your child.
* Only cross at designated cross walk areas.
Forms to Return
If you have not done so already please return your child's emergency form and student directory to the main office by Friday, August 22nd.
Community Events
* Click here for information regarding a Legend Feeder Recycling Event
* Click here for information regarding Legend 5th Grade Basketball
* Click here for after school Spanish