Friday, August 22, 2014

Assessment Days
We appreciated the opportunity to get to know your child even more this week during his/her assessment day.  Individual assessment sessions allowed teachers to identify your child’s strengths, needs and interests in the areas of reading and math.  This year we decided to gather this information during assessment days so that we could tailor instruction for your child much earlier in the school year.  We also wanted to gather this information in a way that limited the amount of time students had a substitute teacher.

The information we collected about your child is extremely valuable and will be used on Monday!  Next week teachers will be better able to match your child with books that align to his/her level and interest.  Research states that students best learn to read when they practice strategies using reading materials that provide the appropriate level of challenge.  Teachers will also be able to target individual student conferences at your child’s specific areas of growth in reading in math. 

We look forward to sharing more specific data with you during parent teacher conferences on September 16th or 18th.  We will ask for parent feedback regarding the start of the school year following conferences.  We hope that your input will make our current changes to the start of our school year even better next year!

Back To School Night
We want to thank you for participating in our Back To School Night this week!  We hope that you received a preview of grade level curricula, activities and classroom practices.  We look forward to working together to make this a wonderful year!

Early Dismissal Due To Weather
You will be alerted of a delayed weather dismissal via email and text. If you are picking your child up, please come into the building and sign him/her out in his or her classroom.

Students who attend B.A.S.E. and after school activities housed in the building will proceed to their intended location/activity when the bell rings.

Bus riders will be called to the gym and will be loaded onto buses when it is safe to do so. Transportation will ensure a safe arrival home. Students will be dropped off to waiting parents at stops.

Walkers and bikers will be dismissed when the weather is clear.  If the weather does not clear by 4:15 PM, please come into the building and pick up your child in the gym. All students must be picked up by parents and/or adults listed on your emergency contact information.

Text Messaging
Please add 877-279-4061 to your contacts as DCSD to be sure you are able to receive test messages from Gold Rush.