Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Classrooms Establish Reading & Writing Routines
Students have been learning reading and writing routines that will allow them to engage in meaningful literacy work throughout the year.  Students, for example, have been talking about choosing books that provide them with appropriate levels of challenge.  They are also reflecting on the need to practice reading strategies while reading fiction and nonfiction books.  As classrooms build their stamina, or their ability to read and write for longer periods of time each day, they are reflecting on what they are thinking about, noticing and wondering.  Tuning into their "inner voice," which in educational terms is referred to as metacognition, allows students to recognize what makes them struggle and which strategies they use to help them eventually create meaning.

You can support our literacy efforts this year by reading and writing with your child each day.  Twenty minutes a night makes a difference!  The graph below shows how reading at home directly impacts student achievement.

School Advisory Council - Open Position
Our School Advisory Council (SAC), which is comprised of three parents, school administrators, one teacher and a community representative, provide feedback regarding our school goals and priorities.  We meet after school as a team four times a year for approximately one hour.  We have one formal parent seat open for the coming school year.  If you are interested in serving on this committee please email me a short paragraph describing your background and why you are interested in participating by Wednesday, September 3rd.  If more than one parent expresses an interest our parent community will elect the member.  While the number of formal SAC positions are limited, all parents are welcome to attend meetings.  Please see future blog posts for meeting dates.

Correction: Fall Conference Dates
To avoid overlapping with Cimmeron Middle School, we have changed our fall conference dates to the following:
* Thursday, September 18th & Tuesday, September 23

Cognitive Abilities Test (Cogat) - September 8th
The week of September 8 students in grade 3 and “referral” students in grades 1-2, 4-5, will take the Cognitive Abilities Test to determine areas of strength and a possible need for gifted programming. The referrals for CogAT testing may come from the parent and/or the classroom teacher.  The CogAT is an assessment that indicates the level and pattern of cognitive development of a student in comparison to grade and age mates.  All students in grade 3 will participate in the Universal Screening and will take the test in the classroom with the classroom teacher.  All students participating in the referral testing process must have a signed “consent to test form” which will remain in the student’s cumulative file.  This form is available from Kristi Barta, PLS.  Please return the signed consent form by 9:00 September 8th, 2014. Click here for additional information.

Safety Tips for Arrival & Dismissal
* Please cross only at designated cross walks.
* Please pull all the way forward during drop off and pick up.
* Please remain in your car at all times.

Important Student Information
* If you have not done so already please complete your emergency release form and return it to the school office
* If you have not paid your student fees please do so by clicking here to access your parent portal.  Select student and click on the fee tab.  You will be directed to the online payment engine.

Miner Diner Updates
* Students can select either milk (white or chocolate) or bottled water with their meal.  There is only an additional 50 cent charge if students chose two of these drinks.  As always, students can ask for a glass of water or use their water bottle for no charge.
* The vendor for credit card payments has changed.  Click here to create a new account.
* Complete and return a paper copy of the opt out form if you do not want your child to purchase a la cart items.

Upcoming Events / Opportunities
* Western Night - September 5
* Click here for information regarding local baseball clubs.