Digger Dash Kick Off
On Friday we kicked off the Digger Dash, or our annual school fun run, that will be held this year on Friday, October 3rd! During a whole school assembly teachers ran, students cheered and the Assistant Principal and I got slimed! Each year the Digger Dash raises money directly for our school. Last year our families raised over $30,000 for laptops. We are excited to support our specials (music, art and physical education team) this year as we raise money for drums, art supplies and even a climbing wall. Please check your child's backpack for additional fundraising information. We look forward to seeing you at the race track next month!
Promoting Psychological Safety
One of the goals of the District's three year Strategic Plan focuses exclusively on student safety. Safety is defined as physical and psychological and it includes the online environment. We have made several strides towards physical safety over the last two years. Our efforts in this area include our work around restorative practices, daily visits from our police liaison officer, a locked entryway and the implementation of our Watch Dog Dads program.
Over the next week and a half we will focus on students' psychological safety by speaking with students at each grade level about feelings and emotions. Through books, role plays and videos we will examine different types of emotions, the concept of empathy and strategies for standing up for oneself and others. This is one of many activities that we will do this year to create an even safer school community.
Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up
Fall Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on September 18 and September 23 from 4:15-8:15 PM. Conferences are an opportunity for us to celebrate your child's strengths and identify ways that we work together toward specific goal areas. You can schedule your conference time through Canyon Creek starting September 8 through September 16. Click here for the link. The password is Digger.
Thank You!
* Legend High School students for reading with our students!
* Thank you Boy Scout Pack 81 for helping keep Gold Rush clean by picking up trash on and around school grounds!
Miner Diner
* You can find a copy of the opt out form for a la cart items on the school webpage.
* For the safety of our students we do not allow dogs on school grounds.