Friday, February 27, 2015

Student Highlight
Celebrating Writing
I am so proud of students' writing! Students are currently engaged in their informational writing unit.  In this unit students are learning to determine what information is most important and to convey new information to their readers.  Fourth grade students are writing like historians.  They are setting goals that will help them express their learning about geography, history, economics and civics.  Second graders are busy testing force and motion experiments and wring about their hypothesis, procedures, results and conclusions. I am so proud of their hard work and continued success!

PARCC Testing
Students in grades three through five will take the performance based assessment component of the Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness (PARCC) in March.  PARCC will replace the former state assessment, commonly referred to as TCAP.  Students will take three literacy assessments and two math assessments during this first window.  In early May students in these grade levels will complete this assessment by taking one literacy assessment and two math assessments.  Please see the testing schedule below and refrain from scheduling outside appointments during this time.  Please also ensure that your child is on time and well rested for his/her testing sessions.

Third Grade Students: March 2-March 6 @ 9:20-10:50
Fourth Grade Students: March 2-March 6 @ 2:00-3:45
Fifth Grade Students: March 9-March 12 @ 11:15-12:50
Make Up Testing: March 16-March 19

Parent Teacher Conferences
Teachers enjoyed sharing students’ accomplishments at parent teacher conferences.  Conferences were also an opportunity to brainstorm goals for the remainder of the year.  We thank the PTO for the wonderful meals!

Occupational Therapy Blog
Please check out the OT Blog to find out more about OT and OT related skills.  OT Blog

Mark Your Calendar
·      March 5: Special’s Program
                 Pearne & McMillan 6:15PM
                Steckler & Martino 7:15PM
·      March 20 -  April 3: Spring Break

·      April 11: Legend HS Gala -Click here for additional information.