Thursday, March 5, 2015

Primary Students Perform
First and second graders gave another wonderful performance this week.  As you recall, the combined arts performance centered on character education.  Students explored the concepts of civic responsibility, resiliency and collaboration through art, songs and dances.  We are so impressed with their talent! 

Battle of the Books
Our third and fourth grade battle of the books team moved on to the semi finals this week!  These students read several new books and are answering questions about their new learning during competitions.  We wish them luck as they move on to the next level.

PARCC Testing
Students in grades three and four took the performance based assessment component of the Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness (PARCC) this week.  As was shared in previously blogs, PARCC replaced the former state assessment, commonly referred to as TCAP.  We are so proud of the effort students displayed each day.  Our fifth grade students will take this assessment on Monday. Please see the testing schedule below and refrain from scheduling outside appointments during this time.  Please also ensure that your child is on time, well rested for their testing sessions.

Fifth Grade Students: March 9-March 12 @ 11:15-12:50
Make Up Testing: March 16-March 19

In early May all students in grades three through five will finish this assessment.  They will take one literacy assessment and two math assessments.  

Mark Your Calendar
·      March 20 - April 3: Spring Break
·      April 11: Legend HS Gala -Click here for additional information.

Parent University
·      Gifted & Talented for Parents – March 10th @10PM – Ranch View MS
·      Investing 101 – March 12 @ 7 PM – Cresthill Middle School Library

Order Your Yearbooks Through March 15
Order your Yearbook today!  Here’s how: 
* Click here to log on to RevTrak
* Select Elementary Schools, E- L, Gold Rush Elementary
* Go to Additional Items.
Click on Parent Portal to see if you already ordered a yearbook in the fall.