Thursday, February 19, 2015

Student Highlights
Kids Blog About Gold Rush
Fourth and fifth graders have started their own blog called the Miner’s Scribe.  Click here for their first post!  Students write about their experiences and school events.  

Denver Rescue Mission Visits 3rd & 4th Graders
Students in third and fourth grade are learning about civic responsibility as a part of their literacy units.  As a part of their informational writing unit, fourth grade students wrote about how they can change their community for the better.  Students then created blankets for the Denver Rescue Mission.  A representative from the Rescue Mission came to accept the donation.  I am proud of our students’ great work.  

Primary Students Perform
First and second grade performances began this week.  The combined arts performance centered on character education.  Students explored the concepts of civic responsibility, resiliency and collaboration through art, songs and dances.  We look forward to students’ final performance on March 5th.

Honor Choir
Some of Gold Rush's fifth grade students participated in the District honor choir concert last week.  We are so proud of these students!

PARCC Testing
Students in grades three through five will take the performance based assessment component of the Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness (PARCC) in March.  PARCC will replace the former state assessment, commonly referred to as TCAP.  Students will take three literacy assessments and two math assessments during this first window.  In early May students in these grade levels will complete this assessment by taking one literacy assessment and two math assessments.  Please see the testing schedule below and refrain from scheduling outside appointments during this time.

Third Grade Students: March 2-March 6 @ 9:20-10:50
Fourth Grade Students: March 2-March 6 @ 2:00-3:45
Fifth Grade Students: March 9-March 12 @ 11:15-12:50
Make Up Testing: March 16-March 19

Parent Teacher Conferences
Teachers enjoyed sharing students’ accomplishments at parent teacher conferences.  Conferences were also an opportunity to brainstorm goals for the remainder of the year.  We thank the PTO for the wonderful meals and we look forward to our second night of conferences on February 26th!

Mark Your Calendar
·      February 26: Parent Teacher Conferences @ 4:00-8:00PM
·      March 5: Special’s Program
                 Pearne & McMillan 6:15PM
                Steckler & Martino 7:15PM
·      March 20 -  April 3: Spring Break

·      April 11: Legend HS Gala -Click here for additional information.