Thursday, February 12, 2015

Student Highlights
Kindness Week
Students were excited to show their school spirit and demonstrate kindness!  This week students completed random acts of kindness, discussed kindness quotes and analyzed examples of kindness.  Classrooms also represented kindness by designing doors to represent this essential concept.  We look forward to continuing to demonstrate kindness to one another and throughout our community.

Valentines Day

Students were creative in designing their Valentines and boxes. 

Teacher Work Day
Teachers are spending their workday aligning the following four elements of the Douglas County curriculum:  World Class Outcomes, content standards, the 4 cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity) and 21st century skills.  We will continue our work from our January workday by designing future instructional units that include these elements.  Incorporating all of these elements into instruction ensures lessons are rigorous and learning transfers to future grade levels and content areas.

Calendar of Events
·      February 13 – No School – Teacher Work Day
·      February 16 – No School -  Holiday
·      February 18 & 26 – Parent Teacher Conferences @ 4:00-8:00PM
·      February 19 – Special’s Program Rossi & Graham 6:15PM
                            Woolums, Murray Close & M. Lewis 7:15PM
·      March 5- Special’s Program Pearne & McMillan 6:15PM
                           Steckler & Martino 7:15PM

Order Your Yearbooks Through March 1
Order your Yearbook today!  Here’s how: 
* Click here to log on to RevTrak
* Select Elementary Schools, E- L, Gold Rush Elementary
* Go to Additional Items.
Click on Parent Portal to see if you already ordered a yearbook in the fall.